Personalised Training Programme
About the training
Struggle with travel? Or just unsure how to fit dog training, exercise, and stimulation into your busy life, I can help. I will create a one-month programme around your life, factoring in easy wins to create engagement, boost relationships and add value to yourself. Including tips and tricks, structured walks, recall ideas and games.
On top of this we will factor in a weekly 15-minute call or zoom to discuss what is going well and any additional tips I can give.
- Personalised Programme – £100
- 121 session at my field + Programme – £150
- 121 in home + Programme – £200

General Questions
Your programme includes morning and evening walk/recall examples, simple easy wins that take seconds but build engagement and boost relationships as well as ideas, tips, advice, and suggestions to create a happier, more engaged and stimulated canine companion. I understand how busy life can be. This programme helps you to hit the reset button and improve your relationship to get the best out of your dog.
We will schedule a weekly 15-minute call or zoom whereby we will discuss what has gone well, where they are improving and where improvement is needed. I will then give you tips and advice to improve in the following week. Throughout the Month you will receive 4x calls or I can sent you an instruction video with a dog of the area you are struggling with to follow it through step by step.
If after the programme you feel like you need further support, I will offer 25% discount off of my 121 training packages.
Woof at us
We know how to understand your dog and will be more than happy to tailor the perfect service to your dog.
Need Some Help?
Please allow 24-hours for a response to any questions. Thank you!
+44 0778 064 6612